Happy Thinksgiving
Thinksgiving. That’s not a typo. OK, it was a typo, but on reflection I left it there – because I decided that the things I’m thankful for require thought.
I’m thankful for people who can see past the end of their scripture. Be it a Bible, Koran, Talmud, or the CyberTaoTeChing, I’m thankful for people who can read them for the good these books can do, for the joy and the peace they can bring, without building walls in their minds. These books are filled with slogans, in many forms, and a good slogan can stop thought for 50 years. I’m thankful for people who can think their way past them.
I’m thankful for family, those by blood and those by bonds of friendship. Family is what we say it is, the tribal ties that we forge or we inherit by accident of birth with those around us. I am lucky to have mine, and happy to be cooking for many of them today.
I’m thankful for my luck to have been born in an interesting time of change and of plenty, in this Western World. These are not good days for all, but they are still good days for us – and likely for all who can read these words today – and I am thankful.
I am thankful for the Reigning Queen of Pink, for a thousand reasons, not least of which is that she loads the toothpaste on my toothbrush, and SOBUMD’s, every night. No one asked her to, she just decided a few months ago that she could, and so she does. Damned handy kid sometimes. I stumble upstairs in the dark after reading into the night, and it’s there. Thanks for that. I am thankful for the Human Tape Recorder’s willingness and increasing ability to be my sous chef; she can make eggs, cookies, and brownies on her own, on request. I am thankful for Number One Son, who teaches me a little every day about how people can be different and still be the same.
I am thankful for readers, meaning people who read books, and Readers, meaning all of you lovely people who read me. Your adolation is like crack to me, you know that.
And last I am thankful for SOBUMD, who makes it all possible.
Happy Thinksgiving to you all! What are you thinkful for this year?
Happy Thanksgiving BUMD… It has been a pleasure working with you over the last year. Have a great weekend.
I’m thinkful for a bro who has such a way with words and whose blog never fails to expand my horizons of thought and mind as well as his esteemed spouse and my sis and their kids for the joy they bring. wa wu all!
Tony and Michelle both – thank you! Know that we here at Big Ugly Man Doll feel the same about you! ;-)