Monday ManFAQ

Actual questions, posed by real women, and answered by a REAL man. What could go wrong?

Bathroom Break!

If you’re in the men’s bathroom and you’re wondering if the person next to you is a Real Man, you’re the one in the wrong bathroom. Real Men don’t care.

ManFAQ Friday: Well, I’m Ever Upper Class High Society

This Friday is once again answer time at the ManFAQ, and so I don my manly mantle as Sage of the Sexes, helping demystify the more malodorous gender for those of the gentler, as we add to the list of questions women have asked about men over the years.  Actual questions, posed by real women, and answered […]

ManFAQ Friday: Not by the Hairs of his Chinny Chin Chin?

The Sage of the Sexes, demystifying the more malodorous gender for those of the gentler. Actual questions, posed by real women, and answered by a REAL man. What could go wrong?

ManFAQ Friday: Who’s the Asshole Now?

Happy Solstice!  We’re taking advantage of the extra daylight today, on this longest day of the year, and making sure that Friday is once again answer time at the ManFAQ.  It’s been a while, for reasons good and bad, but we’ve been getting actual questions – sometimes from actual women – and the start of a new […]