How to Kill Your Cat
Pro Tip: Do Not Google “How to kill your cat at home.”
Pro Tip: Do Not Google “How to kill your cat at home.”
Happy birthday to me and Happy St. Patrick’s Day to you, Dear Friend, Fond Relation, and Gentle Reader! Beannachtam na Femle Padraig, and let’s get all these snakes out of here!
Will you be able to look yourself in the eye knowing that you voted for a party that holds monochromatic monotheism in higher regard than modern medicine, a party that puts faith before fact, a party that will sideline science, social justice, and STEM schools because stem cell research might offend their narrow notion of God?
So there we were, once again on the open road, driving into a cloudbank from hell. The rains that we drove through that Thursday in June killed 20 people, destroying homes and families alike. The weather is capricious – many people were devastated, while the biggest impact to us was a cleaner car, proving that there […]
It should be noted that at 13 years old, the Reigning Queen of Pink does not so much question her sexuality as interrogate it. I wouldn’t put her past waterboarding.