ManFAQ Friday: Ten-and-a-Half, but Narrow

Is it true what they say about men with big hands and big feet? Actual questions, posed by real women, and answered by a REAL man. What could go wrong?

“Hasten, Jason! Bring the basin!”

Mark Twain once mentioned that stories requiring no embellishment or embroidery were very rarely worth the retelling, and while I cannot disagree with the great man in the general case, I find that his adage breaks down in the specific.  To wit, evidence the email SOBUMD and I sent to the school of Number One […]

National Coming Out Day

Good evening Gentle Reader!  I’m actually not feeling great, but wanted to post something about National Coming Out Day – and so I’m blatently cheating and re-posting my thoughts from last year.   The original is at I’m not sure I’m capable of articulating anything better at the moment – and I did not want […]

ManFAQ Friday: But by how much?

Why in the world would it be a problem if I were taller than you? Actual questions, posed by real women, and answered by a REAL man. What could go wrong?

This is not a review of The Phantom Tollbooth

BOY? Did you just Rickroll me? Did you just sit there and Rickroll your own father?