Another Wedding in Chicago? Time for a Road Trip!

I mentioned that driving cross country introduces the kids to part of our American heritage, and that’s true, except for Zanesville, OH. There are no redeeming qualities to Zanesville, OH. It’s like Binghamton, NY, except in the Midwest and without the college. I just wanted to make sure that was recorded somewhere, for posterity.

ManFAQ Friday: Locked and Loaded

Why do men like guns? ESPECIALLY naked women with guns? Actual questions, posed by real women, and answered by a REAL man. What could go wrong?

Guest Blog: Wisdom of the FOBUMD – The Tea Party Downgrade

Out there somewhere is a fractured, tortuous, and twisted slice of burnt logic through which the Tea Party Downgrade can get blamed on the President – in the short term, of course. Over the long haul, there’s plenty of blame to go around – starting with us, the American people who want more in the way of benefits, services, and infrastructure than we’re willing to pay for.

ManFAQ Friday: Shut Up & Kiss Me!

The studs in the romance books provide their lovers with a running commentary. Is one allowed to or supposed to talk during Hey Hey? Should a girl expect it? Actual questions, posed by real women, and answered by a REAL man. What could go wrong?

Who buys the first round?

A Fascist, a Socialist, and a Blonde walk into a bar. Who buys the first round?