ManFAQ Friday: Nice Wheels

What is it with the muscle cars? Are you really compensating for something? Actual questions, posed by real women, and answered by a REAL man. What could go wrong?

The Naming of Rabbits is a Curious Thing

I’ll save the pictures from the endoscope for the Holiday Letter (nothing says Merry Freaking X-Mas like a blow-up picture of someone else’s insides!), but the preliminary results looked good.

The Giving Car

I want to go to the park, said the Boy.
Tell your Dad, and I’ll bet he’ll drive you to the park, said the Car.
And the Boy told his Dad, who loaded him in the Car with a nice picnic lunch, and drove them to the park.

ManFAQ Friday: The Clutter Question, part D’uh.

“Why is his ‘man room’ always a mess? Like, we find places to put things, buy baskets or boxes or drawers to hide them in, but without fail, it all ends up on the counter – change, pens, change, rubberbands, crumpled up receipts, etc. Drives me nuts.” Actual questions, posed by real women, and answered by a REAL man. What could go wrong?

Free Thinking on the 4th of July

“Fweedom… What is … Fweedom?” We have more freedom than we know what to do with. We’re free to believe 6 impossible things before breakfast – four, if you include Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann.