Bragging About My Dad

We all have goals. Mine are more along the lines of “still being on this side of the dirt” when I’m 67 years old – actually running over that dirt would be gravy.

T-A-L-E-N-T on a triple word score?

Raw talent. You hear a lot about “natural” talent, or “raw” talent. It can’t be learned, and it can’t be taught. When it comes to the nature versus nurture debate, I’m firmly on both sides. I’m looking for a quintessence, a je ne se qua, that quality of having “it” that you often can’t define except by its lack.

ManFAQ Friday: Just the FAQs, Ma’am.

Actual questions, posed by real women, and answered by a REAL man. What could go wrong?

ManFAQ Friday: Check, Please!

Actual questions, posed by real women, and answered by a REAL man. What could go wrong?

Signs you may have too many doctors

“The specialist found that the 8-percent curvature of her spine is NOT due to scoliosis after all. It turns out that one of her legs is measurably longer than the other.” “They can tell that from an endoscopy?”