ManFAQ Friday: Just the FAQs, Ma’am.
It’s Friday, and that means answer time!
In this case, though, I’ve decided to answer some of the questions I’ve been getting about the ManFAQ itself. After all, they are asked frequently, and by real women, too. Like the man said, a question’s a question, no matter how small. Besides, what could go wrong?
Question: How did this ManFAQ get started?
Answer: I missed the hamper. I was going to come up with a long story, but the truth is that I missed the hamper.
Question: Do you only take questions from women?
Answer: We only answer questions about men, but we’re very open about who’s asking them – we take all comers. If you’re not coming, that’s Dr. Ruth, next blog on the left.
Question: Why is there no corresponding Fem-faq?
Answer: No audience. You can’t get him to ask directions even when he knows he’s lost – do you really think he’s going to look up how to deal with you on the Internet, when the other nine responses to his search query are porn? We’re very easily distracted.
Now you know. Please, feel free to comment with any questions you’d like answered!
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