Reason #1575 to Host a Sit-Com at My House

I’m just going to retire and let the 13-yr-old write the jokes for a while.

Wicked, wicked child

We’d been walking a little over an hour with about 2 kilometers to go, when I noticed that the trees – it’s a full canopy – cleared out in about 300, maybe 400 yards. It looked like the light at the end of a long, green tunnel, and I said, “Ah, there’s freedom!”

Big Balls and Braces and Wires, Oh My!

… with the bloody stump of the tooth and the wire and spring attached, it looked like something out of Steven King’s The Dentist.

Doing What to Whom?

You’ve Been Doing What to Whom? Birth Control the Nintendo Way!

Late Weekend Recap

Children and Gumbo and Pig, Oh My!