Cooking With the BUMD, Day 3: Shelling Out for Dinner

Have you ever wondered about what’s involved just getting ingredients to your kitchen? I mean, never mind the gags about “who was the first person to eat that.” Just think about the first person to think about putting all these things together – this was someone who contributed to the gene pool. We can be sure of this, because their kids are now programming video games.

Cooking with the BUMD, Day Two.

Is it me, or does everything just sound better in French? “Bonjour, je suis le Grand Déplaisant Homme Poupée!”

Cooking with the BUMD, Day One.

Looked up the recipe for Boeuf Bourguignon. Julia can bite me.

An Inspiring Hollywood Story

Dear Netflix: I have three kids. I expect, when I watch a movie at home, that I will be interrupted. By them. Not by you. Fix your damn servers. No love.


Ray’s Hell Burger, on Wilson Blvd in Arlington. Oh, hell yes.