The Perils of Panopticonalism, and Why I Don’t Have It
It should be noted that at 13 years old, the Reigning Queen of Pink does not so much question her sexuality as interrogate it. I wouldn’t put her past waterboarding.
It should be noted that at 13 years old, the Reigning Queen of Pink does not so much question her sexuality as interrogate it. I wouldn’t put her past waterboarding.
So, I guess I’m bi. Who knew? Mind you, this ties in with my theory that pretty much everyone is about 3 drinks from bi…
Happy Halloween and Happy Birthday to the Human Tape Recorder! Sixteen years old and she’s still my walking memory bank.
“Where’s the Off button?”
I can’t WAIT to be a grandfather. My kids are going to be SO frightened to bring their kids to Grandma and Grandpa’s house….