The Reigning Queen of Pink, Grand Duchess of Fluff, Lord High Protector of Barbies, and Baroness of the Hummingbirds just walked up to me this evening and announced that, quote, “Daddy, it wouldn’t surprise me if you were Bi.”
BUMD: “Um, what?”
RQOP: “You’re Bisexual. Or at least you’re probably Bisexual.”
BUMD: “Okaaaaaaaaaaaay… May I ask how you came to this conclusion?”
RQOP: “Oh, nothing. I just have a feeling.”
BUMD: “So, I’m setting off your Gaydar.”
RQOP: “Well, Bi-dar, but yes.”
So, I guess I’m bi. Who knew? Mind you, this ties in with my theory that pretty much everyone is about 3 drinks from bi, but I really didn’t expect to be outed, while sober, by a 12-year-old whose total sexual experience is limited to The American Girl Body Book and a handful of tampons. I guess I’d better pick up some flowers for my boyfriend tomorrow.
Bi-dar? I’ve known this little pink thing for 12 years and she can still make me say “huh?”
That is just awesome. I’d be speechless in your shoes. In a good way ;)