ManFAQ Friday: We Could Hide Out Under There

It’s Friday, and that means answer time! For those of you have have commented with questions from previous ManFAQs, thank you. I’m adding yours to the list of questions women have asked about men over the years, and I will answer them all in turn – to continue to demystify the more malodorous gender for those of the gentler. Actual questions, posed by real women, and answered by a REAL man. What could go wrong?

This week is a two-fer, since the topics are so closely related.

Question 1:  Why can’t you put the clothes IN the hamper?  You can sure throw them on the floor NEXT to it – what is the aversion to IN the hamper?

Answer 1:  There’s no glory, no incentive.  If you put a backboard on it, he’ll try harder – no man can resist taking a fadeaway jockstrap jump-shot as he’s skinnying out of his skivvies.  Mind you, we’re not all Michael Jordan – but the percentage of clothes in the hamper versus next to it will go up if there’s a backboard.


Question 2:  Why do you leave your underwear on the bathroom floor after taking a shower?  Do you think I have nothing better to do than pick up after you?

Answer 2:  Your second question could have ended at the third word, and the answer would still be a resounding NO.   He just got out of the shower, and he’s naked.  Naked men do *very* little thinking.

Now you know. Please, feel free to comment with any questions you’d like answered!

4 Responses to “ManFAQ Friday: We Could Hide Out Under There”

  1. Thank you for the explaining the phenomenon that occurs in my house regularly. I am going to assume that the socks by the couch also use the same thinking process. Luckily I am training the dog to pick them up and drop them by the steps to go down to the washing machine:) So far it’s about a 50% success rate.

  2. Why, after frying something in about a tablespoon of oil in a frying pan, is there grease on the bottom of the pan?

  3. hm. I phrased that badly. I mean on the underside of the pan.

  4. […] concerned, he’s in a dream.  He’s probably not thinking about saying much (OK, he’s probably not thinking much), since he used up his store of words for the day while talking you out of your clothes.   Most […]

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