She’s a Sport

The Reigning Queen of Pink, High Duchess of Fluff, and Protector of Barbies was sitting in her room this evening, in her pink chair, next to her pink lamp and under the pink curtains, writing in her journal, when I knocked and was admitted into the royal pink chambers.  I noted aloud that it was pushing a quarter to ten, and that despite the evening’s pretty snow, there was pretty much no chance that school would be delayed or called off – time for bed.

“OK.”  She really is a good sport about going to bed when told, I don’t know why.  She hopped down, closed the journal, and walked to her desk, where she put the journal away carefully in the second slot of the journal/magazine/paper holder thingy.  She then took the pencil, a large feathered (yes, pink) thing, and walked 2 feet down to the pencil/pen holder purse thingy, unzipped it, placed the pencil inside, and zipped it back up. 

She then turned to me, looked me dead in the eye, and said, “I think I got the organizational genes.” She took a step toward the bed, thought for a moment, and said, “Except neither of you really have the organizational genes.  I don’t know where I got them.

Oh, snap.  That would be grounds for grounding if (A) I weren’t laughing, and (B) she weren’t dead right.  She’s an organizational sport, that’s all there is to it.  We agreed that she had a very useful random mutation, and I put the little pink mutant to bed.

4 Responses to “She’s a Sport”

  1. That was awesome! I think that the Pink Princess needs to be read, “Blueberry Girl” by Neil Gaiman. They only grow up that much faster these days… LOL!

  2. Blueberry Girl – I’ll have to find that; haven’t heard of that one! Thanks!

  3. love it! that’s our girl

  4. She’s definitely on target there!

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