Playing Doctor

I left SOBUMD snoring, sleeping like a baby, albeit a baby in the NICU with a chest tube, three IV lines, oxygen, an NG stomach tube, and a catheter. Of course, babies probably don’t get as much morphine as she got, so at least she’s got that going for her.

The Hobbesian Horoscope, 6/22/12

The Big Ugly Horoscope. Catch up with your own personal astroillogical future for the weekend and next week – your daily dose of destiny under your sign.

And a Happy Birthday!

Number One Son happens to other people, not the other way around.

The Hobbesian Horoscope, 6/15/12

The Big Ugly Horoscope. Catch up with your own personal astroillogical future for the weekend and next week – your daily dose of destiny under your sign.

Calculating Your Stress Index

In the interest of helping all my loyal readers gauge their current levels of stress, I’ve created my own Stress Test, using a method that is highly scientific on account of it has more than 6 questions. Answer these 20 questions and I will present you with your personal Stress Index Number.