ManFAQ Friday: The Search is On!

Actual questions, posed by real women, and answered by a REAL man. What could go wrong?

Cooking with the BUMD, Day Two.

Is it me, or does everything just sound better in French? “Bonjour, je suis le Grand Déplaisant Homme Poupée!”

Cooking with the BUMD, Day One.

Looked up the recipe for Boeuf Bourguignon. Julia can bite me.

An Inspiring Hollywood Story

Dear Netflix: I have three kids. I expect, when I watch a movie at home, that I will be interrupted. By them. Not by you. Fix your damn servers. No love.

A Declaration of Independence

I declare my independence not necessarily from God, but from all of His Followers, and His Follows, and His Other Followers. And Her Followers too, for that matter. You can all just keep it to yourselves. Your religion is very much like your genitalia – everyone has their own, we all like to take them out of fiddle with them now and then, and they should be kept off of television and out of politics.