Time Suck of the Week

 TSoW this week is brought to you by the kind folks at Gawker – not, in particular, their writers, but the people leaving comments.  OMG. This is, before you clickey clickey to start your Monday off right, NSFW.  I don’t say that because your boss might walk by and see oral references that s/he’s never seen before […]

this is next year

OK, OK, I know, it’s only July, but it has been ONE HUNDRED YEARS, and they do just happen to have the best record in baseball at the moment.   You know, today. Now. At this very minute. I’m sure that will change; after all, I’ve only been waiting for 39 years.  I know how this […]

Things That Make America Great (or, Dialing Up My Big Ugly Nuts)

There are two things I feel I should share with you today, two things that exemplify different parts of what makes America great.   First, I give you – the entrepreneur. Nothing says “American Dream” like the Ka-Ching! of someone making money out of thin air. In this case, David Feingold of San Diego is establishing […]

What it takes to be a BUMD

  It takes a big man to keep smiling while taking a set of Bausch & Lomb 8×42’s to the gonads.I’m just sayin’, is all.


This whole ‘getting up in the morning’ thing is starting to kill my mojo.