A sure sign that I need to monitor their TV habits better…

I’m making my diurnal rounds, ensuring the brushing of teeth, the changing of clothes, and the getting to beds, when the voice of Number 2 daughter echoes faintly from the mountain of pink fluff she uses as a bed. Not unexpectedly, she would like a story. Having neither the energy nor the voice for a […]

My Grandfather’s Clock Speed

For those of us who remember “My Grandfather’s Clock”, I apologize for the below: My Grandpa’s PC was too large for the desk So it stood 20 years on the floor It was taller by half than I was at the time And it outweighed our Chevy 4-door. It was bought in the day When […]

You know what’s wrong with DC?

You know what’s wrong with this city? I’ll tell you. I was walking down the street the other day, and there was a guy panhandling, playing music, busking for money from passers-by. Now ordinarily, I don’t mind that. You’re outside, you’re introducing the magic of music into my day, forged from your own breath, your […]

Where the Hell has the Big Ugly Man Doll Been?

A few weeks ago I explained away an extended absence by writing about my brief fling with Time – she ran away with me, etc. Rather than beat that dead horse, let’s just get right to what’s been going on. First, I’ve been immersed in a new gig, brushing up on service oriented architectures and […]