Conversations I Never Had With My Parents

“Well, I guess I’ve had my first ejaculation this morning.” There are times, as a parent, when you get no warning of danger ahead until the river drops and you’re going over this waterfall Right Now, and your answer in the next 2 seconds has the potential to define a part of your child’s life, when you wish you could hit the big Pause button in the sky and think for a minute.

The Once and Future Huntsville

Huntsville is standing capable and ready to be called back into action if the US ever gets its space program back in high gear. In the meantime, they have some of the best BBQ in the country!

ManFAQ Friday: Is it her, or is it me? It’s her, isn’t it?

Why do men always think they’re right / assume they’re right / and need to be right? Actual questions, posed by real women, and answered by a REAL man. What could go wrong?

Two Scoops of Knickers in a Twist, with Nuts!

That a hodgepodge of humorless harridans would jump up and form MASBIC – Mother’s Against Schweddy Ball Ice Cream – is lovely. The far right wingnuts now jumping to protect little Johnny from finding out that he not only has a pair, but that his daddy did, too – regardless of whether or not Daddy has any now, after having been married to Mommy for a while – well, all I can say is “Ginger, get the popcorn” because this should be fun to watch.

Driving at the Speed of Summer

At some point, it becomes a statistical certainty that you’re going to see your sister, daughter, cousin, or wife dancing on one of those poles after serving you tonight’s lasagna special. Also, sex is the number one topic in the insect world, with food running a close second, and not becoming food a distant third. It’s a lot like prime time television.