Chicago and Back

Like the Dalai Lama, I always want them to make me one with everything, and they did. Oh, yes they did. The fries go on your dog, in your bun, all over the place. The onions, the relish, the peppers – and just a damn good hot dog. Plus the fries were outstanding. Also, don’t install windshield wipers in the dark.

The Oncoming WHAT?

We had some bread diced fine scattered on the railing for the birds. This being more than the cat could bear to watch, the girls relented and let him out on the deck with us, which lead to a description of how the birds view the large, lazy, 20+ pound cat.

How to make your father tear up

Ten isn’t really too young to be horrified at the universal finality of life, is it?

And a Happy Birthday to the RQoP!

Happy Reigning Queen of Pink Day!

A Study in August, Part Three

Number One Son took a particular delight in the opportunity for wanton destruction, popping two out of three of his targets. Since everyone wins a prize, the lady in the booth showed him his prize options for hitting two balloons – to which he replied, “No thanks; I’m only in it for the popping.”