And a Happy Birthday to the RQoP!

It never fails to amaze me that these children get older when I clearly don’t. I haven’t figured out how that works. Regardless, the Reigning Queen of Pink, Grand Duchess of Fluff, Lord High Protector of Barbies, and Baroness of the Hummingbirds has turned 10 years old today. Her majesty was feted in royal style at Busch Gardens, where she was delighted to find that she is finally tall enough to ride almost everything she wants – which is still pretty much everything. (Discerning readers may remember that she was brought to 6 Flags for the royal birthday celebration last year, as part of being in Chicago.) As usual, if it requires legal waivers, the Reigning Queen of Pink wants to get on board, and this year she did – not as many as the Human Tape Recorder, but quite enough to be going on with.

We declined to partake of the water rides in the park – at least, that was the plan. The Gondola, which takes you over the park and slowly and silently slips you from one side to the next, is not usually a water feature – but when you’re in line for said Gondola as the heavens open and the skies pour down upon you, well, I assure you it is as wet a ride as any you will get in an amusement park.

We returned forthwith and finally home for some end of the birthday presents, having already made it a holiday – and so, to her and everyone else: Happy Reigning Queen of Pink Day!

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