She’s a Sport

The Reigning Queen of Pink, High Duchess of Fluff, and Protector of Barbies was sitting in her room this evening, in her pink chair, next to her pink lamp and under the pink curtains, writing in her journal, when I knocked and was admitted into the royal pink chambers.

1st of 52 Weeks

This is not a photoblog, and I don’t want it to become one. But, since SOBUMD last year took 365 pictures, one per day, and it seemed interesting, I’m trying it this year. On the other hand, I figure if I post the damn things every day, you’re going to get pretty tired of seeing them – so, I’m aggregating them week by week.

A Case of Vegetables

In my line of work, “Cleanup on Aisle Nine” can be code for “kill all the witnesses and invoke the Patriot Act if anyone asks.”

Walking the Beet, Stalking the Celery

In UR Produce, Steelin UR Beets

Friday is the New Monday

The Big Ugly Horoscope. Catch up with your own personal astro-illogical future for the weekend and next week – your daily dose of destiny under your sign.