National Coming Out Day

Good evening Gentle Reader!  I’m actually not feeling great, but wanted to post something about National Coming Out Day – and so I’m blatently cheating and re-posting my thoughts from last year.   The original is at I’m not sure I’m capable of articulating anything better at the moment – and I did not want […]

The Once and Future Huntsville

Huntsville is standing capable and ready to be called back into action if the US ever gets its space program back in high gear. In the meantime, they have some of the best BBQ in the country!

Driving at the Speed of Summer

At some point, it becomes a statistical certainty that you’re going to see your sister, daughter, cousin, or wife dancing on one of those poles after serving you tonight’s lasagna special. Also, sex is the number one topic in the insect world, with food running a close second, and not becoming food a distant third. It’s a lot like prime time television.


Between 18 June 2010 and 30 December 2011, Friday meant answer time here at the ManFAQ, and there got to be enough questions asked that the FAQ needed its own page. I’ve kept the following 82 questions that women have asked me about men over the years, and as part of my parole agreement a […]

A Short List of Things You Should and Shouldn’t Do When You Have Pneumonia

A Short List of Things You Should and Shouldn’t Do When You Have Pneumonia. Becase I want to leave the world a better place, in case I don’t see tomorrow. I want to leave a trail of more than breadcrumbs, should you, dear reader, ever have to follow in these unfortunate footsteps – I want to leave a trail of light bulbs, of something that will light your path in the darkness.