Following Instructions?

“Dad, I left something up on your computer for you to look at. Just follow the instructions I left you.” Now, if hearing that from an 11-yr-old boy won’t strike some measure of terror in your heart, I don’t know what will.

The Hobbesian Horoscope, 6/8/12

The Big Ugly Horoscope. Catch up with your own personal astroillogical future for the weekend and next week – your daily dose of destiny under your sign.

Guy Montag is Lost

Bradbury tended to write closer to the Earth than others did.

I.P. Freely, v6!

IPv6 will secure your rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of the latest download from Angry Birds.

Wicked, wicked child

We’d been walking a little over an hour with about 2 kilometers to go, when I noticed that the trees – it’s a full canopy – cleared out in about 300, maybe 400 yards. It looked like the light at the end of a long, green tunnel, and I said, “Ah, there’s freedom!”