Can’t make it to work today…

Last night, as I was walking home from a visit with the lady of the local lake, I was set upon and taken hostage by a thunderous rush of irredentist geologists bent on the reunification of Gondwanaland. They told me of their master plan and swore me to utmost secrecy, so I can’t tell you how glad […]

a new investment plan – holy crap!

If the events of the following story are a little fuzzy, please bear in mind that this all happened last year. OK, 4 days ago, but you know what I mean. As usual, blame can be assigned elsewhere, in this case, on Santa Claus, who brought the third-grader-in-chief a “US State Quarter Collection” booklet, complete […]

And a Happy New Year to All

And yes, the Big Ugly Man Doll is back from the round the world (by which I mean 5 states within reasonable proximity of one another) holiday tour, just in time to wish you, personally (Yes, you! I know you read this, and you know who you are!), where was I, you personally, and all […]