The things that pop up in conversation, I tell you

So there I was, having an innocent discussion with an old friend, when what should come up but a question concerning the sin of Onan. Funny old thing, life. The question came down to this: was the sin in simply giving myself a good round of applause, as it were, or was the sin in […]

Happy Birthday to Youngest Daughter

I’m always loath to call her Number Two Daughter. First, she might take it awry. Second, Number One Daughter already lords it over her siblings on being eldest. And Third, well, she might take it awry – and I’m a little scared of her. She’s fierce. (For those who might not know, it is in […]

Every day deepens my understanding of new words

Every day, I am grateful to the people who help me deepen my understanding of important words, such as ‘idiot’ and ‘asshole.’ The past two days have included such singular, outstanding examples of both that it’s necessary to give a holla, as it were. In a 10 am staff meeting, I was asked by my […]