today i saw the perfect woman

Today, walking between the train and my office, I saw the perfect woman. She was everything a man could ever, has ever wanted, in a member of the finer gender. Her face was a study in sculpted beauty, alabaster white with high cheekbones. The lines and the white of her face were paused only in […]

An Eclectic Reading List

You want an example of an eclectic reading list? I was typing the other day and happened to glance at my own bookshelf, which you may not be surprised to hear runs about 1500 books, floor to ceiling and covering the area between the door and the far wall. (Some would call this a library; […]

Auto-ambulating Backpacks and the SSoD

It’s really hard to keep bragging about the high quality of the school system when you have to drive around some of the crosswalks around here. So there I was, later than usual, dropping my little darling off at school after a hurried breakfast of coffee and toast. Yes, this is how 2nd Grade prepares […]


I’m all in favor of things that make people say, “Huh?” Everyone should have some inexplicable weirdness inserted into their otherwise dull, everyday lives. Usually, that inexplicable weirdness is me. I’m good at it – I’m a professional, after a fashion, and so I’m not easily made to tilt my own head and say, “Huh?” […]